
Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Other Me

All of us have googled our names at one time or another, curious as to what might pop up. Before entering graduate school (which I've now been in for about 5 months now) the only Julie Heffernan that would consistently come up was: this fairy painting artist that happen to have my same name.

So a funny story about the first time I found out about this other Julie Heffernan. I thought it was pretty funny at the time.

When I was in 5th grade my dad says to me one day, "Jules look you are in the New Yorker". Surprised I responded with, "I am?" Excited to find out how I got in a prestigious magazine like The New Yorker I quickly went to the section where my name was supposedly mentioned. And then I found it. There in print was my name.

While feverishly reading all about the art work I had done, I was overcome by a sense of pride. I then remember saying to my dad, "Wow, I can't believe it. My art teacher must have submitted this picture I made in class". Then my dad just says, "Julie, you know that's not really you?". I say, "It isn't?"

This story portrays a little bit about my personality. Some say it's gullibility, while other's say I am more naive. I believe it is more of a tendency I have to want to believe what people say is genuinely true. And also I think it's a little bit of a learned behavior with which over the years I've observed in my mom.

Since creating my blog(s) for school and becoming a member of various social networking sites, google is able to identify me with some thing. I feel like I have taken the first step in making my mark in the internet world.

1 comment:

  1. Great story, I wrote a little about this as well. When I was in college was the first time I ever Googled myself. I played a lot of sports but that’s all that really came up. Not until I entered the ICM program here did I feel like I had a place on the internet. Just like you stated now if someone were to Google me they would find my twitter, my blog, and much more. This program in many ways has given me some what of a presence online besides sports.



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